Volumes published (continued)
Volume 5
Marjo C.A. Korpel, Josef M. Oesch (eds),
Layout Markers in Biblical Manuscripts and Ugaritic Tablets,
Assen: Van Gorcum, 2005 (ISBN 90 232 4178 9).
Papers read at the fourth meeting of the Pericope Group, Cambridge, 20-24 July 2003.
D.J. Clark, Delimitation Markers in the Book of Numbers (1-20); W.M. de Bruin, Traces of a Hebrew Text Division in the Bible Commentaries of Jerome (21-39); R. de Hoop, The Frame Story of the Book of Job: Prose or Verse? Job 1:1-5 as a Test Case (40-77); J.C. de Moor, The Structure of Micah 6 in the Light of the Ancient Delimitations (78-113); M. Dijkstra, Unit Delimitation and Interpretation in the Book of Amos (114-140); M.C.A. Korpel, Unit Delimitation in Ugaritic Cultic Texts and Some Babylonian and Hebrew Parallels (141-160); D. Trobisch, Structural Markers in New Testament Manuscripts with Special Attention to Observations in Codex Boernarianus (G 012) and Papyrus 46 of the Letters of Paul (177-190); M. van Amerongen, The Structure of Zechariah 4: A Comparison Between the Divisions in the Masoretic Text, Ancient Translations, and Modern Commentaries (191-208); Abbreviations (209); Index of Authors (210-213)); Index of Texts (214-227).
Orders: Brill, Leiden (order Volume 5 from Brill) Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake (order Volume 5 from Eisenbrauns).
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