Pericope: Scripture as written and read in antiquity

Pericope: Unit Delimitation as a Guide to Interpretation


The Pericope series aims at providing Bible translators and exegetes with the raw data concerning text division in ancient manuscripts of the Bible and related ancient oriental as well as classical texts. Various views on how this data should be interpreted are put forward and discussed in the series. Recent work by members of the Pericope Group has demonstrated that it pays off to study ancient unit delimitation. The hitherto largely unpublished delimitation markings appear to open up fresh vistas for biblical and oriental scholarship.

The series comprises monographs and collaborative volumes on unit delimitation in antiquity, primarily in biblical manuscripts and lectionaries, but also in other texts relevant to biblical studies. Furthermore, the series incorporates exegetical studies which seek to demonstrate the impact of delimitation criticism on various branches of biblical scholarship.

All manuscripts submitted to the series are judged by competent peer reviewers. Manuscripts and inquiries should be directed to the Executive Editor (address below).

Editorial Board

Guillaume Bady (Lyon), Arie van der Kooij (Leiden),, Marjo C.A. Korpel (Groningen), Josef M. Oesch (Innsbruck), Wido Th. van Peursen (Amsterdam), Stanley E. Porter (Hamilton, ON), Gert T.M. Prinsloo (Pretoria), Emanuel Tov (Jerusalem)

Executive Editor

Dr Marjo C.A. Korpel
Protestant Theological University
P.O. Box 11069
9700 CB Groningen
The Netherlands

Assistant Editor

Dr Paul Sanders
Protestant Theological University
P.O. Box 7161
1007 MC Amsterdam
The Netherlands


Recent volumes of Pericope can be obtained from the Publisher Sheffield Phoenix Press,


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